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Our Services

We get it! We've experienced it, too. When things are going well, it's really easy for people at work to have great relationships. Communication, collaboration, teamwork. It's all good. It's smooth. Almost effortless. But when things take a turn -- and they inevitably do -- people revert to unproductive mindsets and ineffective behaviors. People can't help it. It's what people do. Because they're people. ​We're pretty certain that, as a leader, this is not what you want. Not for your team. Not for yourself. You want things to be better.   We have a way that will get you (and your team) unstuck. It's an evidence-based solution called the Mutual Learning Approach. We will teach you the skills or we will help you and your people navigate issues. Either way, you will have the confidence and the know-how to begin working more effectively with your team so everyone can enjoy increased productivity, improved working relationships, and enhanced individual well-being.   We are so excited to share this with you!


Executive Coaching
A confident woman at work

Weekly or bi-weekly one-on-one confidential sessions include: 1. Learning the mindset and behaviors of mutual learning and how to apply it to daily leadership 2. Strategizing, troubleshooting and debriefing the Mutual Learning Approach to understand the underlying principles so you can redesign your behavior when faced with novel challenges and situations 3. Coaching and technical assistance to increase your facility with mutual learning mindset and behaviors to model it to the organization and use it to build strong and effective relationships with: - Board members - Leadership team - Direct reports - Other key stakeholders

Executive Coaching

A happy team working together

Specifically for teams and departments to use mutual learning to improve culture, increase employee engagement, and reduce turnover. Engagements include: 1. Pre-assessment to determine baseline team dynamic and which mutual learning mindset your team is operating from 2. Personality preference assessments of individual team members 3. Facilitated review of team assessment results 4. Customized exercises and activities 5. Creation of Team Charter 6. Report of Findings and Recommendations Optional confidential "implementation assistance" for individuals on using mutual learning in a daily setting.

Teams Facilitation

A happy team in leadership training

Leadership training sessions for professional development. Single sessions or select a multi-session series. GREAT LEADERS | GREAT BOSSES For leaders, managers, and supervisors with at least one direct report. MANAGING THE EMERGING WORKFORCE The same topics customized for the unique challenges encountered by leaders of hourly, entry-level, seasonal, and line workers. Topics include: - Coaching Up the Ideal Team Player - Easy Way to Difficult Conversations - From Resistance to Resilience: Facilitating Change - Generations in the Workplace | A Battle Royale - Hiring for Non-HR Professionals - Managing Conflict with Confidence - Managing Up - Maximizing Your Relationships with Your Boss - Unlocking Results through Accountability & Feedback - 90-minute to 2.5-hour sessions - Six twice weekly topical emails with links to articles, videos, and podcasts for asynchronous self-directed study available per session - Access to customized leadership Playbook (12-months) - Transformation Coaching Sessions with executive with authority to influence resources, policies and long-term commitment to culture change among employees Sessions incorporate mutual learning as the agreed-upon ground rules. Facilitators use mutual learning behaviors during sessions to maintain an effective learning environment.

Leadership Training and Workhops

A happy team working together

Specifically for groups who are faced with working through challenging situations or high-stakes issues. As facilitators, we help you become familiar with all the points of view around the table. Discussions become more interesting, insightful, and innovative. When people feel heard and feel their perspective is represented throughout the process, it leads to greater commitment, accountability, and productivity. We use the mutual learning mindset as the foundation of our facilitation to ensure a psychologically safe environment. We guide the group through the process, manage the discussion, and encourage collaboration to achieve the desired outcomes. Our process ensures commitment to decisions made while maintaining strong relationships between group members.

Group Facilitation

Casual Businessman_edited.jpg

Weekly or bi-weekly one-on-one focused, confidential coaching sessions include: 1. Introducing the mutual learning mindset and behaviors 2. Assessing your personality preferences and tendencies 3. Establishing your leadership vision and setting goals 4. Creating your Personal Leadership Manual 5. Troubleshooting daily issues, including: - Technical assistance with how to implement mutual learning (strategizing, troubleshooting, and debriefing) - Shedding the Answer Vending Machine persona - Coaching others using the GROW Model - Facilitating effective meetings - Decision-making models - 3 Corners of Accountability - Conscious Action Wheel - Difficult conversations - Performance management - Time management techniques Learn the underlying principles of why you do what you do (and why other people do what they do) so you can act more effectively in the moment when faced with new and challenging situations. Gain access to our extensive and constantly updated library of curated leadership topics from a wide range of top leadership and personal effectiveness thinkers. Become the leader you were destined to be -- with a high-performing team, strong relationships, and personal satisfaction.

Leadership Conversations

A woman speaking to an audience about leadership

We speak to professional groups and associations about the current situation in workforce & talent, and we make recommendations for addressing those issues. Recent examples include: •Ohio Society of CPAs – April 2024. “Increasing Morale and Workforce Longevity.” •Ohio Association of County Boards – March 2024. “Employee Engagement: Connecting to Today’s Workforce.” •Columbus Women’s Commission – October 2023. “Women and Work – The Update.” •Franklin University’s Mason Leadership Symposium – September 2023. “10 Questions to Ask Yourself to Assess (the quality of) Your Employee Retention Efforts.” •Muskingum Valley HR Association – July 2023. “Why Workers Left the Workforce. And How to Win Them Back.” •Franklin University’s Mason Leadership Symposium – September 2022. “Women and Work.” •Leadership Columbus NxGen – September 2022. “Time Management and Setting Priorities” •Workforce Development Board of Central Ohio – July 2022. “Women and Work – The Report.” •Leadership Columbus – May 2022. “Sticking Your Neck Out Without Losing Your Head.” •Ohio Association of County Boards – March 2022. “Employee Engagement.” •Ohio Electric Cooperative – March 2022. “Building a Culture of Retention.” •Leadership Columbus – January 2022. “Employee Engagement: Why You Need It and How to Get it.” •Columbus Young Professionals – April 2021. “Key Career Skills.” •Ohio Provider Resources Association – October 2021. “Keeping Your Career Moving Forward.” •Safety Leadership Summit – October 2021. “Building Effective Onboarding Programs for Employee Engagement & Retention.” •Sports Advisory Council – December 2021. “Key Leadership Practices for Sports Industry Executives.” •Leadership Columbus – Need It and How to Get it.” September 2020. “Diversity Every Day for Everyday People.” •Human Resources Association of Central Ohio – Multiple Engagements. As subject-matter expert, co-facilitating HR Roundtables. •Various Economic Development Areas & Organizations (Miami County, Knox County, Marion CANDO, Union County; Council of Chamber Executives) – Multiple Engagements. Hottest trends in workforce and hiring.

Speaking Engagements

Leadership Conversations
Speaking Engagements
Group Facilitation
Leadership Training
Teams Facilitation
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